“For all of your days”

“…I realized this baby girl was going to grow up in a church that would always have a place for her. 

If she discovers at some point in her future that her sexual orientation is different from her peers, she won’t encounter a barrier between her faith and her sexuality. If she discovers this difference, she won’t have to be afraid of coming out.”

Just One Family

It would’ve been enough for this family to find peace. To come back home and go about their lives of quiet service. But they didn’t do that. They went home and started speaking up publicly for other LGBTQ+ Christians and their families in Sweden.


“Every conference, it’s the most common complaint – too many choices among the breakout sessions! And it’s true. We’ve tried every time to stop – to reduce the number of offerings for breakout sessions – but it’s impossible! Too many topics warrant our attention, and we want to address the needs of our attendees as much as we possibly can…” 

What My Parents Needed

“What my parents needed most was someone who could help them understand that these things they’d been taught to believe were not true – that being gay isn’t a choice and that they hadn’t caused me to be gay.

My parents needed someone who would listen to their feelings and help them navigate what was a very new and frightening territory for them.”

Coming Out. A Quarter of a Century Later.

“It occurred to me driving on the ice that it would be so easy to just veer off the road, go through the guard rails and down into the ravine, hoping the car would just roll over and over and that I wouldn’t survive that tumble. Then I would never have to acknowledge that I was attracted to women. Never have to hurt and embarrass my family. Never have to experience the deep shame – deeper than I had already felt for years – of coming out to friends.”